As part of your registration as a patient at Burke Optometry, we will require you to complete a medical history questionnaire. We will also need you to sign our yearly consent form. In order to save time, you can fill them out at home and bring in a printed copy to your appointment at the office. Below are the links to the necessary forms.
Intake form (New due to COVID-19): Click Here
Formulario de admisión: Clic aquí
Medical history questionnaire (English): Click Here
For our fillable Medical history questionnaire please click on:
Medical history questionnaire
Cuestionario Médico del Paciente: Clic aquí
Para nuestro Cuestionario Médico del Paciente rellenable, haga clic aquí:
Cuestionario Médico del Paciente
Consent form (English): Click Here
For our fillable Consent form please click on:
Consent Form
Acta de conocimiento: Clic aquí
Para nuestra Acta de conocimiento rellenable, haga clic aquí:
Acta de conocimiento
*If you are a contact lens user, you can check these forms:
Contact Lens Fees and acknowledgement form
Contact Lens Instruction form*If you are an adult or if you are bringing your child over 3 year we will need you to bring the Medical history questionnaire and the Consent form filled out.
If you would like to read our Notice of Privacy, please Click Here
If you would like to have a printable format of our Notice of Privacy, please Click Here
Please read our No Show/Late Cancellation Policies Click Here